Products - R020 Round cartridge Non-filler renewable fuse links
R020 Round cartridge Non-filler renewable fuse links

Variable cross-section fuse element made from pure metal sealed in cartridge made from high temperature resistant epoxy glass.


Fuse tube filled with chemically treated high-purity quartz sand as arc-extinguishing medium. Dot-welding of fuse element ends to the knife contacts ensures reliable electric connection.


Protection against overload and short-circuit in electric lines and equipment (type gG), also available for protection of motors (type aM).

Rated voltage up to 600V;

Rated current up to 630A;

Working frequency 50Hz AC;

Rated breaking capacity up to 100KA

Compliant with GB13539 and IEC269


R020 Round cartridge Non-filler renewable fuse links Prev :RS3/RSF Series Semiconductor Fuses
R020 Round cartridge Non-filler renewable fuse links Next :High-voltage Current Limit Fuse for Transformer Protection