Products - High-voltage Current Limit Fuse for Transformer Protection
High-voltage Current Limit Fuse for Transformer Protection

Transformer Fuse

Product Details

High-voltage Current Limit Fuse for Transformer Protection

Scope of application

It can be used in indoor system of 50Hz and rated voltage of 12kV. Used together with other switch facilities such as loading switches, vacuum contactors. It can protect electric transformers and other electric facilities against overloading or short circuit. It is also a necessary accessory for high - voltage switch box, circular circuit cabinet, high/low voltage top - loading transformer substation.


Main technical parameter

Type: XRNT1-12 (Counterpart: SDL J)

Rated voltage (kV):12

Rated break current (kA): 50

Rated current (A): 6.3


Outline and installation size


Property curve



Anticipated current valid value(A)

XRNT1-12 time-current property curve

Type and meaning

Rated break current (kA)

Rated current (A)

Rated voltage (kV)

Designing sequence number

T: Transformer protection

N: Indoor use

R: Fuse

X: Current limit

J: German DIN standard inserting type

Impinger: N = None A= Available

L: Fuse length: L=292mm,442mm,537mm

Fuse diameters: D= 50mm F K= 76mm

S: Transformer protection

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