Appliance Power Meter
Product Details
Model DEM011GC single phase electronic DIN rail active energy meter is a kind of new style single phase two wire active energy meter. It has adopted micro-electronics technique, imported large scale integrate circuit, and used advanced technique of digital, SMT techniques, and etc. The meter completely accords with relevant technical requirements of class 1 single phase active energy meter stipulated in international standard IEC 62053-21. It can accurately and directly measure 50Hz or 60Hz active energy consumption from single phase AC electricity net. It can display total energy consumption by step motor type impulse register. It has following features: good reliability, small volume, light weight, specious nice appearance, convenient installation, and etc. This meter has already gotten the patent certificate from China State Intellectual Property Office at present. Patent certificate NO. ZL 2006 3 0106828.1. All the other country patent certificates are in processing.
Functions and features
● Either 35mm standard DIN rail installation, complying with standard DIN EN50022, or front board setting (mounting holes center distance 63 mm), users can choose by themselves.
● Six pole width (Modulus 12.5mm) complies with standard JB/T7121-1993.
● There is standard configuration 5+1 digits display (99999.1kWh) by step motor type impulse register. If choosing 6+1 digits display, the product configuration code is AK.
● Standard configuration features one port of pulse output passive (polarity). Feel free to select distant port of pulse output passive (nonpolarity), the configuration code of which is AI. Both contact with all kind of AMR system conveniently,complying with standard IEC 62053-31 and DIN 43864.
● Two LED indicates respectively power supply state (green) and signal of energy impulse (red).
● Standard configuration doesn’t detect direction of the current flow. But automatic detection of the direction is optional that is indicated by the red light. (When only red signal working, that means the direction of the flow of load current reverses).
● Single direction measures single phase two wire active energy consumption and it has nothing to do with direction of the flow of load current, complying with standard IEC 62053-21.
● Directly connect operation.
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Purple Reign: A passion for purple built the Phoenicians' vast trading empire
PHOENICIAN MYTH TELLS the tale of a beautiful sea nymph, Tyrus, and the god Melqart, who sought to win her heart. Melqart dispatched his faithful hound to scour the beaches of modern-day Lebanon in search of a gift for her. When the dog returned, his muzzle was stained violet. When Melqart looked closer, he found in the dog’s teeth a crushed sea snail, oozing and purple.
The god’s dog had certainly stumbled on a treasure, and Melqart showed it to Tyrus. Immediately smitten with the color, Tyrus agreed to marry Melqart if he could fashion her a robe in the same vibrant hue. Determined and resourceful, Melqart collected enough sea snails to fulfill the wish of his beloved, and thus “Tyrian purple” and the Phoenician trade in textiles was born.
Although this legend originates in later Greco-Roman traditions, the depiction of a dog chewing the shell of a murex sea snail has been found on several Tyrian coins, indicating that the tale was linked to Phoenician identity, and that it may well have had Phoenician origins. Despite the mythologized accounts for the genesis of Tyrian purple, this dye played a fundamental role in shaping and defining the real history and economy of the Phoenicians. (Blue dogs were spotted in India. In this case, snails didn't cause the stain.)
Masters of the sea
Although the Phoenicians were among the most influential of the Mediterranean peoples of the first millennium B.C., they are also one of the least understood by modern historians. Strictly speaking, there was no one kingdom called “Phoenicia” but a series of cities occupying a strip of land along the coast of modern-day Lebanon, Syria, and northern Israel.
The name “Phoenician,” given to them by the Greeks, is thought to relate to purple. The Greeks themselves were unclear on the origins of the word, phoínix, and as it could be used to signify a reddish purple color, it came to be regarded as an allusion to the purple fabric for which the Phoenicians were famed. Another popular theory was that the word could be linked to the legendary king Phoinix, believed by some to have instigated the use of purple dye in the city of Tyre. The Greeks first used the term Phoenician at some point during the ninth to seventh centuries B.C., but—significantly—it has no known equivalent in any of the languages of the ancient Near East, including Phoenician itself. (Elegant Tanagra figurines enchanted ancient Greece.)
Brightly decorated garments feature prominently among the Phoenician tribute to the Assyrians. “Your awnings were made of finest cloth, of purple,” notes the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel, in his inventory of the luxury products traded by Tyre. (A 2,600-year-old Phoenician wine 'factory' was unearthed in Lebanon.)
Precious purple
In antiquity fabric production was the most labor-intensive of all crafts. It is hard to overstate its cultural, social, and economic significance. Clothing not only offered people protection from the elements but also denoted social status. Cloth was used to record events or stories in the form of tapestries, and it could even be of such value that it functioned as a form of currency.
Very little is known about the appearance or method of manufacture of Phoenician fabrics as very few fragments of it have survived. Despite this dearth of information in relation to textiles, the ancient sources do provide detailed accounts of the production and use of the purple dye. The discovery of substantial facilities for murex harvesting, processing, and dyeing at Arwad, Beirut, Sidon, Sarepta, Tyre, and other cities along the Levant coast, highlights just how important and widespread this industry was among the Phoenicians. (Living descendants of Biblical Canaanites have been identified via DNA.)
The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder offers the most comprehensive description of how the dye was manufactured in his Natural History, written in the first century A.D. The basic raw material was an opaque liquid that was obtained from the mucus glands of two types of sea snail, Murex trunculus and Murex brandaris. The former was used to make a blue-purple dye known as royal blue while the latter was used to make Tyrian purple.
Both dyes were indelible and did not fade easily, a rare property for ancient colorants. Its production, however, produced an offensive smell, and the irony that such a prized product could come out of such an unpleasant process was not lost on ancient authors, such as Pliny himself, who wrote:
Let us be prepared then to excuse this frantic passion for purple, even though at the same time we are compelled to enquire, why it is that such a high value has been set upon the produce of this shell-fish, seeing that while in the dye the smell of it is offensive, and the color itself is harsh, of a greenish hue, and strongly resembling that of the sea when in a tempestuous state?
As each murex produced only a few drops of precious mucus, the manufacture of commercial quantities of Tyrian purple required the harvesting of vast quantities of these creatures. Archaeologists have calculated that 12,000 averaged-size mollusks (just under a quarter of an inch long) were required to produce barely 0.05 of an ounce of dye. Such an amount was sufficient to color just the trim of a regular-size garment, and so distilling enough dye to stain even a small piece of cloth required enormous numbers of the animals. To dye an entire robe would cost a fortune.
Consequently, Tyrian purple dye was at times worth more than its equivalent weight in silver or gold while purple-dyed fabrics could command extraordinarily high prices. To give one example: according to the fourth-century B.C. historian Theopompus (quoted here much later by Athenaeus), men in the city of Colophon in what is today Turkey, “used to walk about the city wearing purple garments, which was at that time a color rare even among kings, and greatly sought after; for purple was constantly sold for its weight in silver.” (This abandoned East African city once controlled the medieval gold trade.)
In fact, purple dyes were so desirable that astute businessmen created a multitude of inferior-quality imitation hues to meet the considerable demand. Because of this phenomenon, fragments of purple-colored textiles and pot-sherds have to be subject to chemical analysis by archaeologists before they can by designated as genuine examples of royal blue or Tyrian purple.
Fading away
Although the coast of Lebanon could sustain a high concentration of murices, when demand outstripped supply they were imported from other areas of the Mediterranean and from the Gulf of Aqaba. The decimation of local murex populations, combined with the desire to acquire ever increasing numbers, led the Phoenicians to found overseas settlements in regions where this type of industry could flourish.
The presence of sizable quantities of crushed murex shells at Almuñécar (Sexi), Toscanos, and Morro de Mezquitilla in Spain; Carthage, Kerkouane, and Djerba (Meninx) in Tunisia; and Essaouira (Mogador) in Morocco, provide evidence for the large-scale manufacture of purple dye in both Iberia and North Africa. According to Pliny, after Tyre, it was the North African city of Meninx that produced the most vivid hue of purple. Thus it could be said that the craze for purple went hand in hand with the Phoenicians’ greatest achievement—the adaptation and transmission of the alphabet across the Mediterranean, a revolutionary experiment that they exported alongside their other commodities.
For much of their history the Phoenician cities had flourished in the service of larger empires, including Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia. It was Alexander the Great in the fourth century B.C. who ultimately undid them, when he sacked Tyre in 332 B.C. Phoenicia was subjected to strict Macedonian rule for the next 270 years, and by the end of the first century B.C. it had become so hellenized that Plutarch referred to its inhabitants as Hellenes.
Rome would be the next to take over the Phoenician cities after the Roman general Pompey had subdued the last remains of the Seleucid Empire in 64 B.C. Phoenicia was formally incorporated into the Roman province of Syria, which heralded the beginning of a period of romanization. By the close of the first century A.D. there were very few remnants of the indigenous culture that had existed before the arrival of the Macedons and Romans.
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