Appliance Energy Monitor
Product Details
Model DEM011ZA single phase electronic DIN rail active energy meter is a kind of new style single phase two wire active energy meter. It has adopted micro-electronics technique, imported large scale integrate circuit, and used advanced technique of digital, SMT techniques, and etc. The meter completely accords with relevant technical requirements of class 1 single phase active energy meter stipulated in international standard IEC 62053-21. It can accurately and directly measure 50Hz or 60Hz active energy consumption from single phase AC electricity net. It can display total energy consumption by step motor type impulse register. It has following features: good reliability, small volume, light weight, specious nice appearance, convenient installation, and etc. This meter has already gotten the patent certificate from China State Intellectual Property Office at present. Patent certificate NO. ZL 2006 3 0106828.1. All the other country patent certificates are in processing.
Functions and features
● Either 35mm standard DIN rail installation, complying with standard DIN EN50022, or front board setting (mounting holes center distance 63 mm), users can choose by themselves.
● Six pole width (Modulus 12.5mm) complies with standard JB/T7121-1993.
● There is standard configuration 5+1 digits display (99999.1kWh) by step motor type impulse register. If choosing 6+1 digits display, the product configuration code is AK.
● Standard configuration features one port of pulse output passive (polarity). Feel free to select distant port of pulse output passive (nonpolarity), the configuration code of which is AI. Both contact with all kind of AMR system conveniently,complying with standard IEC 62053-31 and DIN 43864.
● Two LED indicates respectively power supply state (green) and signal of energy impulse (red).
● Standard configuration doesn’t detect direction of the current flow. But automatic detection of the direction is optional that is indicated by the red light. (When only red signal working, that means the direction of the flow of load current reverses).
● Single direction measures single phase two wire active energy consumption and it has nothing to do with direction of the flow of load current, complying with standard IEC 62053-21.
● Directly connect operation.
● Standard configuration retains short terminals cover, and you may select extension terminals cover, in order to protect your circuit and users’ safety. (The code of the safer product configuration is ZB).
You may want to know OUR EARLIEST ANCESTORS.
WE know very little about the first “true” men. We have never seen their pictures. In the deepest layer of clay of an ancient soil we have sometimes found pieces of their bones. These lay buried amidst the broken skeletons of other animals that have long since disappeared from the face of the earth. Anthropologists (learned scientists who devote their lives to the study of man as a member of the animal kingdom) have taken these bones and they have been able to reconstruct our earliest ancestors with a fair degree of accuracy. The great-great-grandfather of the human race was a very ugly and unattractive mammal. He was quite small, much smaller than the people of today. The heat of the sun and the biting wind of the cold winter had coloured his skin a dark brown. His head and most of his body, his arms and legs too, were covered with long, coarse hair. He had very thin but strong fingers which made his hands look like those of a monkey. His forehead was low and his jaw was like the jaw of a wild animal which uses its teeth both as fork and knife. He wore no clothes. He had seen no fire except the flames of the rumbling volcanoes which filled the earth with their smoke and their lava. He lived in the damp lackness of vast forests, as the pygmies of Africa do to this very day.
When he felt the pangs of hunger he ate raw leaves and the roots of plants or he took the eggs away from an angry bird and fed them to his own young. Once in a while, after a long and patient chase, he would catch a sparrow or a small wild dog or perhaps a rabbit. These he would eat raw for he had never discovered that food tasted better when it was cooked. During the hours of day, this primitive human being prowled about looking for things to eat. When night descended upon the earth, he hid his wife and his children in a hollow tree or behind some heavy boulders, for he was surrounded on all sides by ferocious animals and when it was dark these animals began to prowl about, looking for something to eat for their mates and their own young, and they liked the taste of human beings. It was a world where you must either eat or be eaten, and life was very unhappy because it was full of fear and misery.
In summer, man was exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, and during the winter his children would freeze to death in his arms. When such a creature hurt itself, (and hunting animals are forever breaking their bones or spraining their ankles) he had no one to take care of him and he must die a horrible death.
Like many of the animals who fill the Zoo with their strange noises, early man liked to jabber. That is to say, he endlessly repeated the same unintelligible gibberish because it pleased him to hear the sound of his voice. In due time he learned that he could use this guttural noise to warn his fellow beings whenever danger threatened and he gave certain little shrieks which came to mean “there is a tiger!” or “here come five elephants.” Then the others grunted something back at him and their growl meant, “I see them,” or “let us run away and hide.” And this was probably the origin of all language.
Early man had no tools and he built himself no houses. He lived and died and left no trace of his existence except a few collar-bones and a few pieces of his skull. These tell us that many thousands of years ago the world was inhabited by certain mammals who were quite different from all the other animals–who had probably developed from another unknown ape-like animal which had learned to walk on its hind-legs and use its fore-paws as hands–and who were most probably connected with the creatures who happen to be our own immediate ancestors.
It is little enough we know and the rest is darkness.
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