Products - Different Types of Outlets British Range W96A15L W96A43 W96A43L W96A15 W96A53SV
Different Types of Outlets British Range W96A15L W96A43 W96A43L W96A15 W96A53SV

Product Details


Different Types Of Outlets1 

15A 1 gang switched round-pin socket with neon

48.5*31.5*37.5cm     200pcs


Different Types Of Outlets2 

1 gang multi switched socket

48.5*31.5*37.5cm     200pcs


Different Types Of Outlets3 

1 gang multi switched socket with neon

48.5*31.5*37.5cm     200pcs


Different Types Of Outlets4 

15A 1 gang switched round-pin socket

48.5*31.5*37.5cm     200pcs


Different Types Of Outlets5 

13A 2 gang switched socket single pole with neon +SV socket

48.5*30.5*31.5cm     100pcs


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