Products - Connection Terminals
Connection Terminals

Product Details

Commonly used type connection terminal

Commonly used type connection terminal

This type of binding clamp is suitable for the common electrical line connection. According to needed line section (Max. 35mm2), the enclosed bolt-directing pilot hole guarantees ideal screwdriver operation. The same terminal row adopts unified accessories, like partition insulator, grouping destine piece and so on. With the help of bolt promotion line frame the compression and union is close, no injured wire.

General big electric current binding clamp

General big electric current binding clamp


The general-purpose big current binding clamp has guaranteed reliable connection of the big section thanks to its scientific structural design. The lozenge jack-in type line ball bar fixes the wire junction to the center; the line bar’s bottom is surfaced with corrugation making sure low value transition resistance of the latter faying surface after wiring; the bolt’s self-locking is realized using the elastic part.

Double-decked binding clamp

Double-decked binding clamp

The double-decked clamp’s capacity is two times that of the general-purpose one. This clamp features double-layer-wiring viewing from the side. 2.5mm space between these two layers not only presents orderliness but in upper wiring screwdriver can operate in the lower level very convenient wiring work, because marking is clear.

Special binding clamp

Special binding clamp

The special binding clamp is for two or more wires on a combination, a solution in electric circuit assignment, especially when the wires in particular differ in the type and section. Its characteristic is in each side there are two posts for wire assignment. Among the post there is a switch port position, through which two different electric lines pass to different posts.

Experiment binding clamp

Experiment binding clamp

Inside the experiment binding clamp the sliding metal piece works as a switch being able to receive the biggest operating current. By loosening the screws with the circular knife, the switch position is clearly seen. Its beginnings and ends are equipped with the test connection, so, electric current may be monitored without interrupt during operation.

Fuse binding clamp

Fuse binding clamp

The fuse binding clamp features radius arm used to turn on the G fuse, which is extremely convenient. The outer covering is totally enclosed whose security is reliable. The display post gives the fuse signals of  pass or break.

Knife switch breaking binding clamp

Knife switch breaking binding clamp

Knife switch breaking binding clamp features simple operation, and its seal reliable insulation. The transition resistance being low, the electric current load ability may reach as high as 16A. In the spiral nail hole may insert test plug whose diameter is 2.3mm carrying out test.

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