Low-voltage Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Technology

Aiming to improve the level of various professional processes The manufacturing of low-voltage electrical products involves a variety of professional processes, such as cold stamping, plastic molding, coil winding, contact welding, mold processing, SMT patch technology, etc. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of low-voltage electrical products Improvement is inseparable from the improvement of these professional processes. The high-speed, automated and specialized stamping parts processing of parts and components accounts for a large proportion of low-voltage electrical components, about 70%, so stamping parts processing plays an important role in the production of low-voltage electrical appliances.


To improve the production efficiency and quality of stamping parts, it is imperative to adopt high-speed automatic punching machines and multi-station progressive die. Plastic parts are important parts of low-voltage electrical appliances. They adopt fully automatic or semi-automatic thermoplastic or thermosetting injection molding machines and adopt centralized feeding methods. Automatic welding machinery is widely used. The welding current, pressure and pulse period are adjustable, keeping the temperature controllable and ensuring welding strength.

- May 26, 2020-